Harry Potter Wizards Unite: Calling all wizards
Here’s an emergency broadcast from the Ministry of Magic. Strange phenomena has begun occurring all around the globe, risking exposing the existence of the wizarding world to Muggles. As part of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force, you will need to contain these traces of magic before they can be discovered.
The trailer that Niantic published today gives us a look at all of these things going wrong. Humans are bewildered as they encounter magical items and creatures that defy logic, and the Death Eaters are getting bold, appearing in public places and threatening the muggles of the non-magical world. It will be our jobs as players to stop the exposure of the wizarding world and keep it hidden from the masses.
Calling all Wizards. This is your Ministry. Our Wizarding community is at risk of exposure. Traces of magic are appearing all over the Muggle world, revealing Magic to Muggle eyes. We are heading towards quite the debacle unless we act now, unless we act together.
Fellow Wizards. Ready your wands!
Help keep Muggles none the wiser! Help contain the calamity! Help save our world!
Wizards Unite!
You can also use the AR technology to place a Portkey on the ground in the real world, and when you take a few steps forward into the newly placed portal, you can observe an entirely new space within the augmented reality.
Co-published and co-developed by WB Games San Francisco and Niantic, Inc., “Harry Potter: Wizards Unite” is under the Portkey Games label. Google Play users can already pre-register for the game to download and begin playing as soon as it becomes available stateside later this year, while Apple, iPhone users will have to stay tuned.